山西中輻核儀器有限責任公司是一家綜合性的高科技公司,主要從事輻射測量儀器儀表的設計、開發、生產和銷售,以及輻射測量系統的維護與檢修等技術服務。公司是由中國輻射防護研究院和隸屬于山西省國資委的山西金通投資管理有限公司分別出資成立,注冊資本1500萬元,中國輻射防護研究院占51%股份,山西金通投資管理有限公司占49%股份。 公司位于山西省太原市高新技術開發區,建筑面積3000平米,現有職工240余人,其中專業技術人員200余人(含高級技術人員18人,中級技術人員80人),獲得科研成果十余項。下設九個部門,擁有SMT全自動生產線、步入式調溫調濕箱等大型生產、檢驗設備。主要產品有:多探頭輻射測量儀、個人劑量儀、手腳表面污染監測儀、全身表面污染監測儀、區域γ監測儀和氚監測儀等,已大量應用在核電站、環保、衛生及工業探傷等領域。公司長期承擔著秦山、田灣、福清、昌江、大亞灣、紅沿河、陽江、寧德、臺山、海陽等多個核電站的輻射監測系統的維護和檢修項目。公司還與國內外同類科研機構及廠商開展了廣泛的技術交流與合作,顯示出雄厚的技術力量和良好的信譽。 公司于2009年8月通過GB/T19001質量管理體系認證,于2011年12月通過GB/T24001環境管理體系和GB/T28001職業健康安全管理體系認證,并取得認證證書。 Shanxi Zhongfu Nuclear Instruments Co., Ltd. (CIRNIC) is a comprehensive high-tech company, mainly engaged in the research, development and manufacture of nuclear instrument, also in the maintenance of radiation monitoring systems at nuclear power plants. The company is a state-owned company for which China Institute for Radiation Protection (CIRP) holds 51% share and Shanxi Jintong Investment Group, subordinate to State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanxi Provincial Government (SASAC), holds the 49% share. The registered capital of CIRNIC is 15 million RMB Yuan. The CIRNIC has a building area of 3000 square meters and over 240 employee, including 200 professional technicians. Equipped with SMT (Surface Mount Technology) automatic production line and lots of other equipment for manufacturing and testing, the CIRNIC becomes an establishment specializing in the R&D and manufacture of multi-probe radiation survey meter, personal dosimeter, hand-foot surface contamination monitor, whole-body surface contamination monitor, area gamma radiation monitor and tritium monitor etc., which are largely used in nuclear power plant, environmental protection, health physics, and industry radiography. Besides, CIRNIC has been responsible for the maintenance and examination of radiation monitoring systems at these nuclear power plant: Qingshan, Tianwan, Fuqing, Changjiang,Daya Bay, Hongyanhe, Yangjiang, Ningde, Taishan and Haiyang. Now, CIRNIC has already got the certificate of GB/T19001 quality management system, GB/T24001 environmental management system and GB/T28001 occupational health and safety management system.